Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Doin' Work!

If you know me, you understand that if there were a time period I could live in, it would be the pioneer days. :) I could think of nothing more satisfying than living off of the land and being completely self-sufficient! That idea is becoming more and more appealing these days... Well, Cory and I decided that we needed to plant a garden. We decided this about a year ago, but just now got around to doing it! So, on Labor Day the first Chandler garden began! It is September, therefore we had to plant a fall garden. But seriously, are there really, technically seasons in Louisiana?? I think not, so we planted some fall veggies and threw in some other non-fall veggies as well. We are calling this our trial run garden. I am not afraid of failure, so if it fails, well I'll be sad, but I will hopefully learn how to do it better next time! Here is what we planted: mustard greens, turnip greens, spinach, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, corn, squash, and zucchini. I LOVE my garden. Noah and I walk out to check on it several times a day! It has been so fun to watch it grow! I am ready to hopefully put some yummy veggies in a pot, skillet, or on a grill soon!!! Here are a few pics of our labor. :)

Here is Cory tilling the area we had designated for our garden. Gotta love a hard workin man!

Good soil!

This was not the fun part...making the rows. Cory did most of them, I just had to get in there for picture purposes. :) I did get one done though! It was HOT that day!!
And two weeks later....WA-LA! We are beginning to see the fruits of our labor!

Here is a close-up of our squash! I am hoping to see some yellow soon!

Needless to say, planting a garden has been very gratifying so far. We plan to have a garden for every season! What a fun way to help provide for your family! Thank you Lord for the rain, sunshine, and nutrients you have given us!

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