Monday, November 22, 2010

Fall means Football and Fun!

The months of October and November are probably two of my favorite months, and this year they have been extra special because of sharing them with my two favorite boys! The weeks are so busy for us, so we very much enjoy spending the weekends with each other and family.

Saturdays are obviously devoted to football, and thankfully, Noah enjoys a lil football too! But in the midst of watching our Tigers play, we have managed to throw in some other fun things too. We love going over to my parents house on the weekends to grill out and chill out! They don't mind it either. :) One Friday night, we sat outside on their back deck around the chiminea, eating gumbo that mom cooked. After eating gumbo, we made S'mores! Cory and I found these marsh-mellows at Wal-Mart called campfire Marsh-melllows and they are HUGE!!! I'll post a picture of one. So needless to say, they were some heavy duty S'mores!

The weekend of Halloween, we took Noah to the pumpkin patch to take some pictures of him. We didn't dress him up this year...maybe next year. We did buy him a shirt that said BOO on it. It was a lot cheaper than a costume :) The pictures we got of him were cute, although he kind of freezes when I really want some good pictures of him. Good thing he's cute all the time!!

Cory and I were fortunate enough for both of his parents to come see us! His dad came in October and his mom came this month, November. We had a great time with them, and so did Noah! We can't wait to see them at Christmas time!

Also this month, Lee and his wife and kids were able to come down, and we got to visit with them a lil bit. Just enough time to get some super cute pictures of the three cousins! They were too cute, and I can't wait to watch them grow up together!

It has been a great two months, and I am ready to celebrate the holidays with family! God has blessed me with and incredible family, and I am truly thankful for that!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Past Year in a Nutshell...

After talking to my Sister-in-Law, Lindsey, I have finally committed to this blog...I hope! It just got a little overwhelming since I haven't really posted anything since January of 2009! I mean how do you re-cap 2 years of life! So this post is for trying to do that. These past two years have been two great years in my life that really can't be put into words, but I will sure try and describe them for you.

Well in the last post I wrote, which really wasn't 2 years ago, I talked about the fact that I got married in May of 2009 to Cory Chandler (hence the last name no longer being Morrow). I have thoroughly enjoyed being his wife for the past year and a half. He is an incredible husband who should get an award for putting up with me and my stubbornness :) The Lord sure knew what he was doing when he brought him to me all the way from North Carolina, and I cannot imagine life without him.

Since we have been married, Cory has been the Head Advisor of English Village at Louisiana College. That is a guy's dorm, so yes I have been surrounded by about 75 guys in our 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment. But I am not complaining, because the Lord provided for us a great place to live. Cory is also the youth minister at FBC Lecompte. It has been neat to serve at a place where my father and mother were when I was a tiny little baby. I am still teaching. I am going on my 4th year now at South Grant Elementary. 6th grade is what I teach and I love it. I have the greatest co-workers and students that make my job easy.

As I am typing this, I am watching my six month old try to crawl...yep that's right, we have a 6 month old! On May 25, 2010, Noah Lee Chandler was born into our family! All 9 lbs. 7 oz. and 23 in. of him! (I was a BIG MAMA!!) Needless to say, it was a great 1 year anniversary present for Cory and me! :) He has blessed our cotton socks off, as my mother would say. I honestly did not know it was possible to love this much. Cory and I have very much enjoyed having a son, and he has made it easy for us for sure!

So that's pretty much it! the highlights of the past two years.Thank you Lord for the sweet blessing in my life! Now the next post will be a lil more recent and up to date...I promise!

Hope you enjoy some of the pictures from over the past two years! (They aren't in order...couldn't figure out how to fix that.)