Saturday, April 24, 2010

LOTS of catching up to do!

As you can probably see from my last post, it has been a while since I have even looked at this blog. So I decided it was time to do a little refreshing and catch everybody up since the last post. With a little help from my friend KB, we give the blog a slight face-lift, and I had to make some pretty important changes. Instead of this being just Amy Sue's blog, it is now the Chandler's blog. Pretty big change, but it had to be done because yep....I'm now married to the wonderful Cory Lee Chandler! This is a good change that I didn't mind making on the blog page. Next to my slavation, he is the best and most important change that has happened in my life thus far. Words cannot explain the love I have for him, and I very much enjoy living life with him! But I will get into all that in another post. My plan is to, post by post, update you on what had happend in my life in the past year and a half. Gosh I have lots to write, but at the time, I have lots of time on my hands (you will find out why in a soon to come post) :) This truly is my best effort of keeping friends and family updated on the life of the Chndlers, so I hope yall enjoy!!