Friday, July 22, 2011

Ready for Vacation!!!

It has been since our honeymoon that we have been on a vacation...and I am ready to get away with my hubby and little boy! We are going to Gulf Shores with some friends of ours, and I am hoping for a relaxing fun-filled week before we get back in the swing of school. Cory is at Mission-Fuge with his youth this week, and I am REALLY missing him, so it will make next week all the better to have him back with us!

I cannot believe how fast this summer has gone by! Lots to be thankful for from this summer...
1. half of my pregnancy with our our 2nd sweet son has taken place
2. moved into our house in Ball- which we LOVE
3. got to spend some good quality time with Noah- able to teach him, and he has learned so much! He is getting to be such a big boy!
4. Cory getting a teaching position for the fall at Grant high school.
The Lord is so faithful, and I love watching and being a part of this!

I'm going to try and upload a few pics to update yall....this is where I get frustrated with blogging because the pics never are where I want them or how I want them. Hope they turn out ok!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"Renew a right mind and spirit"

Hello blogger world! You have not seen or heard from me since 2010! Shocker...I know! I will not use the excuse that life has been too busy for me to blog, or that I don't have anything to blog about. I actually just forgot my password and never really felt like taking the time to change it. So, while Noah is taking his afternoon nap, I thought that I should go ahead and do this! So here we are!

Another reason for deciding to blog today is that I have a heavy, but joyful heart in this season of my life. I have struggled with so much here lately, and much of it has to do with a spiritually "dry season" in my life. I have been very much in a spiritual "drought", and couldn't seem to find my way into healthiness. Good news is that the Lord promises never to leave us or forsake us...I praise him for that! Over the past two weeks, I have begun to experience a drizzle from the Lord, and am preparing and hoping for his spirit to drown my heart, soul, and mind. The Lord has revealed to me just a tiny bit of my depravity as a sinful human...bitterness, anger, anxiousness,pride, and just all in all disobedience. Bottom line, I was a helpless, disgusting sinner, who deserved the wrath of God, but was saved by Christ, therefore is being made righteous in the sight of God. What HOPE and JOY is found in this!!!

My husband just recently preached his first "Sunday morning" sermon. He preached out of Romans 1-4, which is the heart of the Gospel. I was challenged to read these chapters after hearing Cory's sermon. Wow....humans are helpless, hopeless, and in a complete state of rebellion, sin, and depravity apart from God. I mean I am so VERY wrong and prideful if I think I have it all together on my own. I now understand that this is who I have been for the last few years, and this has been my mindset. I want to thank the Lord for revealing this to me through His word and His precious servant, my husband. Cory so clearly presented this to the church and it became crystal clear in my mind.

The awesomeness of it all is that even though this sinful person that I am deserves the punishment of eternal suffering in hell, I have been saved from it! God's son Jesus, took on all the wrath that I deserve because of my sinful nature. Does this even make sense to me? No is doesn't because I cannot comprehend the love of our father, and the grace that he so freely gives. This is a love that I want to run to. I want to learn about it and somehow learn to show it. We have always heard of "Christ-like love". This is what it is, and I want to soak it up.

So I am thankful for this process of the Lord renewing a right mind and spirit within me. I so desperately have needed this for a long time. I am thankful for this clear understanding of ultimate sacrifice, love, and grace. I am so thankful that the Lord has chosen me as his daughter.

"Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the Glory of God." Romans 5: 1-2