Thursday, November 6, 2008

Not a Fan of Band Wagons!...oh well :)

If you know me, I am a pretty hard headed independant girl....which means I really have to be convinced to do something before I finally give in! This blog would be one of those times where I finally gave in. I will admit that about 6 or more months ago I didn't even know what a blog was, for which I was chastised by my friend, sweet Elizabeth :) After reading her blog, my friend KB's blog, and many other friend's blogs I decided that I too need to share my wonderful, crazy, too busy life with others! So I hope I do this right and that you enjoy, while learning a little bit about me! So move over on that band wagon and make room for me!!


kb thomas said...

I am so proud. There is always room on the wagon for you Amy Sue....just don't fall off!

Elizabeth said...

good start. can't wait to read more! (was that more encouraging than today?!)