Friday, January 25, 2013

I'm Back!

Well hello blogger world! It has once again been a while since I have sat down to write. Let me just update you on the recent happenings in the life of the Chandlers.

We now have a 1 year old and a 2 year old in the household! On November 22, 2012, Brayden Samuel Chandler turned 1!! That year absolutely flew by, and the months following have already gone by soooo fast! He turned 14 months just this week! It really is true that time does fly by, but I am so thankful that I am home cherishing every little moment with both of my boys!

We celebrated his birthday the weekend before Thanksgiving since his big day was actually on Thanksgiving. We had such a good time with friends and family, and I was pleased with the turnout since it was close to the Holidays. My sweet sister-in-law agreed to use her picture taking talents to capture some sweet moments for me! Here are a few pics-

Here is the sweet birthday boy with his birthday shirt made by one of my close friends.

Instead of regular cake and ice cream, I decided to do a cupcake bar. It was a huge hit, and very yummy (if I do say so myself :).

This was something salty to add to the cupcakes! Sooo good and easy! Thanks Pinterest!

Brayden enjoyed his smash cake!

My cute niece enjoying her cupcake!
The kids enjoyed playing in the back yard the whole time! I was so happy that the weather was nice!

The big kids enjoyed playing too!

Mommy and Brayden had fun opening presents!

It was such a great day that was spent celebrating my sweet baby's first year! The Lord is so good!

I will continue my update in the next blog! I think that is enough for now!